Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New You?...

Every year we all make plans to be better, do better, eat better, but how many times do we feel like we completely failed? This year I have decided not to make a "New YearsResolution" per say. This year I am vowing to be me. 

That's it. 

I want to do things that make me happy. I want to end this year more in love with who I am becoming than I love myself today. 

So this year I am going to "dot my i's and cross my t's" and do everything to the best of my ability.

A few things I want to better myself at? Of course! I think they are all things we could do better at. A few are:

-Live a healthier lifestyle (i.e. Get active, eat better, stop watching a whole season on Netflix in a day....)

-Read my bible more often. (As a Christian woman who wants to become more and more like Christ it is so very important for me to grow in my relationship with Him and learn more about Him.)

-Be a better friend. (This year I want my friends to know how much I truly value them. Whether it be leaving little encouraging gifts for them or sending letters, or just grabbing lunch or dinner. I want each person in my life to know how special they are to me!)

What are some things you hope to change in the New Year? How are you planning to keep on track? 

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